Farm News from Orchard Country Produce
Gardners, PA
We are a two generation family farm in rural Cumberland County, PA. We own approximately 57 acres; some of it in woodland, some in pasture, some in hay, most in vegetables and fruit trees. We have four greenhouses. One for propagation and two are unheated high tunnels and one is heated. We raise hogs and broiler chickens for meat and layer chickens for eggs. Our family consisted of Gregg and Louise Keckler (old people) and Oliver and Lizzie Keckler with their four children – Isabelle, 7; Remington, 5; Cassidee, 2 and Travis.
This is a review of what has happened in the last month on our fields, in our greenhouses and tunnels and around the farm.
The Field Crops
We have still not been able to spread the compost because the pile is frozen. It will be done in March for sure. We added lime in many of the fields.
The grapes have been pruned and the black raspberries also. Oliver has been doing a lot of repairs on tractors, wagons, building and cleaning out manure from the hogs and chickens. He will begin pruning peaches, nectarines, plums and cherries next week.
The Tunnels
We are still growing and selling kale, chard spinach and a bit of lettuce. We have seeded lettuce and spinach. We transplanted many new radish plugs into the beds as well.
We will begin to pick red beets from the tunnels for this Saturdays market at St Luke’s. Unfortunately the tops are not very nice. The cold, freezing temperatures ruined them several weeks ago. Although there are new greens coming up on each beet, it would take too long for them to grow sufficiently to sell with tops. So we will be selling them in quarts.
The tomato tunnel is cleaned out and almost ready to be planted with tomatoes. The tomato plants will be going in the first week of March.
Greenhouse Seeding
We are beginning the seeding in earnest now. We seeded many herbs for plant sales including sage, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lavender, chive. We have flats of radishes ready for the tunnels. We have also seeded 18 flats of sugar snap peas to be planted in the field at the end of March. We seeded 400 cherry tomato plants. These will be planted in the tunnel in April.
The greenhouse temperature has been turned up to 55 F. We had to do some major unplanned repair work on the greenhouse in February. The plastic tore in the wind and it had to be replaced. Oliver and Gregg spent a calm day with little wind getting it back in shape. There were several baseboards that were in bad shape so they were replaced as well and a new squirrel fan was installed to keep the heat in.
Thank you to all who have signed up already for the CSA for 2025. Your early payments in the cold months really help us with buying and preparing fields, tunnels, buildings and vehicles for the spring plantings and the starting of the markets. The new dates for the CSA are on the website. If you would like to sign up for a full season you can send us a check for $725 for a full 24 weeks of fruits and vegetables. Check out the CSA information page on the website. We will be taking subscriptions for the full season from now until April 30.
Canning, Gardening, Grilling and Preserving
We have been doing a lot of entertaining in the month of February. It is our last Hurrah before the serious work of planting, seeding and pruning begins.
It is good together with friends and exchange thoughts catch up on news and just remember old times.
Gregg has been furiously making jams, jellies and pickles for sales during the market season. So he has invaded the kitchen. I still try to reserve a couple hours to make bread. We love homemade bread. I do not have or want a bread machine. I like kneading and feeling the dough. I have made a delicious English muffin loaf bread which is very nice with large cavities for melting butter. I usually make honey oatmeal bread once a week for sandwiches and just plain butter bread.
How many of you remember as a child just eating butter bread? I still think it is great!
I have been opening jars of peaches, pears and cherries to brighten up the table and also to enjoy the almost-fresh flavor of those great summer fruits.
I hope you are eating well. A great location is a must either a nice window place to look outside or if you are in the city a lovely growing plant nearby. Learn to eat slowly and savor the taste of good food. The simple atmosphere and good food should inspire thankfulness.
Have a lovely time waiting (im)patiently for Spring!
Farm Stands and Markets
The St Luke’s Farm Stand is open every Saturday from 8 – 1 pm. Come out and support the local farm on Saturdays!
The Belle View Condos Farm Stand is closed until May.
The East Columbia Library Farm Stand is closed until May.
The Fairfax Community Market is closed until May.
Come out and support our farm in Alexandria at St Luke’s Episcopal Church.
Have a Great Day!
Orchard Country Produce and Fruit Farm, Inc
Gregg and Louise Keckler
Oliver and Lizzie Keckler with Isabelle, Remington and Cassidee, and Travis also.
Orchard Country Produce and Fruit Farm, Inc
1410 Goodyear Rd
Gardners, PA 17324
717-486-4653 |