Farm News – July 2024

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Wow!  Has it been hot and dry for the first three weeks of July and last week we finally had some rain!

The Field Crops

In July we have been seeding the last sweet corn and plug planting more zucchini and squash.  We planted cabbage and cauliflower and broccoli for fall harvest.  The sweet onions and garlic have all been harvested and they are now drying on screens under fans in a dark shed.
We are picking green beans and peppers and eggplant.
Every time a crop comes out of the field that section gets mowed, disced and replanted to the next crop.  Depending on what we are planting we must lay drip tape and black plastic as well.  If the crop that came out was on black plastic that must all be lifted before the discing.  We will not have any fallow ground until the end of August.
We are picking the free-stone peaches now.  There are a lot of plums – many varieties and nectarines and blackberries.
The first heirloom field tomatoes are being harvested now and the red tomatoes will be picked this week – the last week of July.  Believe it or not we are still managing to get some lettuce in spite of the terribly hot and dry weather earlier this month.  Of course everything gets irrigated.
All the winter squash has been transplanted and is in the field now.

The Tunnels

The cherry tomatoes from tunnel one are producing well.   We are still having  some problems with white flies.  The cherry tomatoes are still being pruned weekly.
We are picking pickling cucumbers and kohlrobi and golden beets from tunnel two.
Greenhouse Seeding

Seeding in the greenhouse was still heavy in July with the last of the zucchini, squash and cucumbers for the field.  The second and third seeding of cauliflower and broccoli for the storage cabbage for winter sales and storage kohlrobi for winter also.


The CSA is on week 8 now.  We are into all summer vegetables and we have all the fruits except sugar cubes and watermelons.


Canning, Gardening, Grilling and Preserving

I have been grilling a lot in July to avoid using the oven or stove on the hot days.  I pitted some sour cherries and canned them for the winter.  I also canned carrots and some peaches.  We have been eating peaches, mostly sliced in a bowl with sugar on them. Delicious!  I made lots and lots of blueberry muffins so far and I still have a few pint of blueberries left.  Last Saturday I made a peach/blueberry pie.  Gregg is eating it right on of the pie dish. No cutting slices, just dive in!
I am enjoying the flowers in the pots on my deck plus the flower beds around the property.  The elder flowers smelled amazing this year and it had so many blossoms.
There are not as many grapes on the grape vines, but the clusters have some very large grapes.  I am pruning the kiwis and so far I only counted about 30 kiwis.  I think the spring was a bit too cold for them this year.
Right now the crepe myrtle is in bloom and it is beautiful.
Be sure to go outside and enjoy the heat, the sun, and the flowers and birds.
I am not enjoying the chipmunks though.  They are very smart and cumming.  Gregg has tried box traps, leg traps and he even resorted to keeping a gun poised on the kitchen window sill, but all to no avail.  Last week he had another idea.  He bought some sticky rat traps and stuck some shelled peanuts on it and sat it right next to the chipmunk hole.  Would you believe it!  I saw this with my own eyes!  The chipmunk came out of the hole and began using his hind legs to kick up dirt onto the sticky trap.  He kept piling more and more dirt unto the trap until he was able to walk right over the trap and dislodge the peanuts.This is NO JOKE!  This chipmunk is not just smart he might even be vindictive!


Farm Stands and Markets

The St Luke’s Farm Stand is open every Saturday from 8 – 1 pm .  Come out and support the local farm on Saturdays!

The Belle View Condos Farm Stand is open every Thursday from 2 – 7 pm

The East Columbia Library Farm Stand is open every  Thursday from 12 noon – 6 pm

The Fairfax Community Market   is open every  Saturday from 8 am- 1 pm.

St Luke’s Farm Stand
every Tuesday through September 24 from 12 – 6 pm

Try to come out and support our farm in one of these locations.

Have a Great Day!


Orchard Country Produce and Fruit Farm, Inc

Gregg and Louise Keckler

Oliver and Lizzie Keckler with Isabelle, Remington and Cassidee, also

Orchard Country Produce and Fruit Farm, Inc
1410 Goodyear Rd
Gardners, PA 17324

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